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What could be Kamala Harris’s Strategies for Her Vice-President Choice in the US Presidential Election 2024?

By Atip Muangsuwan

What could be Kamala Harris’s Strategies for Her Vice-President Choice in the US Presidential Election 2024

” Everything is about strategies. There’s nothing more and nothing less. “

Atip Muangsuwan
CEO Coach and Coach Supervisor

What could be Kamala Harris’s strategies for her Vice-President choice in the US Presidential Election 2024?

It’s getting to be a crunch time for Kamala Harris’s choice of a running mate. The pick is due by August 7th which is coming very soon!

Many analysts and Harris’s supporters have tried to make their best guess of whom she’ll pick as her Vice President for this Presidential Election campaign. They’ve made their best guess from reviewing each candidate’s good qualifications and outstanding profile.

However, they might forget to look at other critical deciding factors which I’d like to share my view by using a coach’s lens as follows:

  1. Compatibility

In coaching, a coach needs to do a compatibility or chemistry check with potential clients prior to signing a coaching contract with them. In this case, Kamala Harris can do this compatibility/chemistry check with her running-mate choices in order to check the alignment of vision, missions, values, principles, beliefs and code of ethics.

  1. Trust

In coaching, a mutual trust between a coach and their client is critically important. It’s indispensable! Without a mutual trust, the coaching won’t be successful. Likewise, Kamala Harris needs to have a deep trust in her running mate and vice versa.

  1. Strengths and Weaknesses

In coaching, a coach stays focused on their client’s strengths while does not ignore their weaknesses or blind spots. If there’s an opportunity to close the gap, a coach will help support in the development area of their client.

In the same manner, Kamala Harris could consider a candidate who has strengths that can help close her gap. And her strengths can also help close her running mate’s gap. And the strengths of both of them can multiply from their synergy.

  1. Challenge and Support

In coaching, an effective coach has to challenge as well as support their client. They challenge their client for growth and support their client for success. Likewise, a running mate should be able to respectfully challenge and strongly support Kamala Harris in difficult situations and critical decision-making.

In my view, in addition to considering her running mate choices based on their great qualifications, outstanding profiles, and other key factors like their influence on winning the swing states, the 4 critical deciding factors as I shared above are also vital. They could be called, “Strategies” for choosing the right running mate for Presidential Election.

If you take a closer look, you’ll understand that… “Everything is about strategies”.

When you’re in a battle or a war, you’ll need the strategies to win. When you’re applying for a job, you’ll also need the strategies to get a job.

When you’re running for the US President, you’ll definitely need the strategies to win the election. When you’re choosing your running mate, you’ll also need the strategies to pick the right one. When you want to achieve your goals, you’ll also need the strategies to execute.

You see, that’s why I say… “Everything is about strategies. There’s nothing more and nothing less.” This is because I want to stress that strategies are vital and indispensable. Period.

Whenever I coach my clients, in addition to insights and wisdom that they’ve obtained from the session, they’ve also gotten the strategies to achieve their goals and the strategies to solve their problems or dilemmas.

So, if you’re looking for strategies to achieve your goals and/or to solve your problems or dilemmas, then let’s talk soon!

