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The Key to Life Secrets and The Truth: The-Knowing VS The-Thinking

By Atip Muangsuwan

The Key to Life Secrets and The Truth: The-Knowing VS The-Thinking

” When we can master The-Knowing and The-Thinking, we can master anything in life. “

Atip Muangsuwan
CEO Coach and Coach Supervisor

The-Knowing VS The-Thinking: What are they really?!?!

There’s an insight popped up into my mind recently that…                    

We’re “Thinking Creatures”. Because we’re actually thinking all the time throughout the day and every day, nonstop, no breaks, no holidays and no vacations. And what makes us think all the time? (If you’re a good observer of your mind, you’ll see what I see.)

The short and simple answer is… “Nature”! It’s our nature to be like that. We have a life process that’s always happening at all times when we’re still alive. I’d like to call it, the “Think-Feel-Act” life process.

When we think, we’ll always feel (pleased, displeased or neutral), then we’ll act or behave in a certain way (positively, negatively or neutrally). And this life process can make us happy or suffer or neutral. It depends on whether we can catch this life process. One way to catch this life process is to “catch our thinking in the present moment”.

When we can catch our thinking in the present moment, it can be called, “We have self-awareness.” And self-awareness is the key to the secrets and truth of life.

Because whenever we’re aware, we’re being awaken. Being awaken from our thinking or our thoughts, our feelings or emotions, and our actions or behaviors.

And when we’re being awaken from all those, we’ll be neutrally blissful or another word, “Equanimity”. And this is a result from The-Knowing.

So, the origin of this life process is at when you’re thinking. Try to catch your thinking. This is to go to the origin of this process.

When you can catch the moment you’re thinking, the-knowing will emerge.

To ease or comfort your practice of “catching your thinking”, you can come to notice that… there are 2 processes happening; i.e. “aware or think” or simply put, the-knowing process or the-thinking process. It’s an either-or process. These two processes can’t co-exist together. When one shows up, the other dies. Or, when one is born, the other dies right away. If you’re a good observer of your mind, you’ll understand what I’m trying to explain here.

When you’re being aware, you won’t be able to think in that particular moment. And when you’re thinking, you cannot be aware. Because our mind can only focus or work on one thing at a time.

When you hear people talking about “Self-awareness”, “Self-awareness”, what I’m trying to explain here is… the origin of “self-awareness”. It’s the awareness of your thinking in the present moment. Another word, it’s the awareness of your mind! You go to the origin of the life process!

Simply put, “Self-awareness” is actually the awareness of the mind. The “Self” is the mind. The “Mind” is the self (based on the worldly insight).  

If you want to learn more or discuss more about this topic, then let’s have a conversation! Because this will also be a secret to “Spiritual Transformation”.

